Friday, June 6, 2008


My thoughts are running amok so I have to spill my guts. I have been pondering this question of whether there is a such thing as being happy. People are always saying (including myself) that they are happy, but are they really?? Are they just saying that to pacify themselves--to convince themselves that they've got something good?? It sounds crazy but seriously, happiness is sporadic. It comes and goes. And I hear of people trying to achieve this goal of "the good life" in which happiness is the main component--in other words, the pursuit of happiness. You cannot achieve happiness because what you're trying to achieve is what I call "infinite happiness", which is nonexistent in this world. How can you attain happiness when nothing but bad surrounds you? This screwed up world and all the screwed up people in it make it damn near impossible to be happy. And this is why I have decided to get closer to the only thing that could eventually give me true happiness--God. It's like everyone is looking to the wrong things in life to make them happy. Whatever it is, forget about it cause I can guarantee you that whatever "things" you may think are it, are not. Things and imperfect people can make you happy for a while but it doesn't measure up to the peace that God can give you. Have some faith people! I'm done spilling my guts and I need to smile so let me

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