Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ahem!! Is anyone out there???

It is I. I am back once again after a very long disappearance. Welllll.....a crapload of things have happened to me since I've been gone. Trust me, you'll never believe how my life has changed in just a couple of months. People have gone. People have come. A new life has been formed. I have moved to Never Never land (and no I am not referring to Micheal Jackson's weirdo ranch). And you won't believe it but I'm in summer school, as much as I have complained about being out of school!! Ugh! A disturbing number of my exes have weirdly been trying to pursue me. Umm yeah... Dang-it, I honestly just think someone switched lives with me and failed to inform me of this change. Can I have my life back? Lol, but seriously change is good and I'm strangely happy with all of this. Hell, who am I fooling? My hormones have taken over my brain and they cause me to do and say very strange things. I'm a nutcase.

But hey, let's put all personal follies aside and discuss something like YouTube. Yeah that's fun! Ok I am just a tad bit concerned about our youth today. WTF is goin on with these kids??? My friends forwarded me some video footage of a 7 year old boy who stole his grandmother's car and DROVE it and not only drove it but hit 4 cars. Then when reporters asked this kid why he did what he did, he responded that "he wanted to do hoodrat things with his friends". What 7 year old says things like that?! OMG and why did the little kid have to be black?? *smh* Youth today...they REALLY need help. And I'm still puzzled as to why his darn grandmother didn't whip his little behind. She had the nerve to say she "just wanted to whip his behind but she didn't wanna go to jail for whipping him on camera". You are his legal guardian so who the hell ever said you couldn't whip your child out in public?? I mean I'm not sayin abuse the boy but I kinda think this little incident deserves some physical punishment along with some mental help. Honestly I think the darn grandma was scared of him because I found another video of him physically attacking her in Wal-Mart and she told the reporters that she was just standing there like an idiot lettin his little bad a$$ hit on her!!! Lord! I don't even wanna talk about them anymore. They are seriously makin me angry. This is a darn mockery. I posted the first video. You can watch if you like.

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