Thursday, July 24, 2008


Not Linkin Park numb but numb because this baby is literally getting on my nerves! Seriously, the little one has got to be laying on a nerve because all 5 of the toes on my right foot are NUMB. It feels like somebody shot me up with Novacaine in my freakin toes. I am afraid, lol. I awoke from my peaceful sleep last night as a result of another weird and scary dream and then because my toes were completely numb and tingling. Uggggghhhhh! I tried lying there for a while but I was experiencing bouts of paranoia so I decided to wake Shon up (my significant other) and boy was he rattled. THE Grouchmeister himself was grumbling incoherent things while half asleep while I'm pouting and pleading with him to rub my toes and my belly, LMAO! I get tickled everytime I think about it and he had a flashback at lunch today. He clearly told me NOT TO WAKE HIM UP TONIGHT about numb toes. Loser. Well I'm experiencing a slight headache on the left side of my brain and it's sooooo annoying. It's interrupting my blogging. This kid I tell ya, not even here and already torturing me. Gotta talk to ya later alligator.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oops. i deleted the 1st post:
what the freak ma'am??
stop waking Shon up, LMAO!!!!!